What is Horseflyweed (Baptisia Tinctoria) and Does It Treat Man Boobs

Horsefly weed, scientifically known as “Baptisia Tinctoria” is a bushy plant that is abundant in meadows and open woodland environments particularly in the United States, Kentucky, Minnesota, and Florida. Baptisia Tinctoria is locally known as wild indigo because of its bushes and its colorful properties; over other states, Baptisia Tinctoria is known for many names one of which is the Horsefly weed. The wild indigo is a small plant reaching only up to 2-3 feet tall, with silver-green leaves, darkish-blue pod-like seeds, and yellow bright flowers. Because of its colorful appearance and vivid shades of hue in the plant, wild indigo was formerly used as a strong coloring agent. The fruit of wild indigo is dark-bluish in color and contains a lot of seeds that is believed to have medicinal benefits.

Over time, wild indigo was known as an antiseptic remedy and an effective cure for worsening sores. The medicinal uses of wild indigos are not limited for sore treatments only; wild indigos possess properties that make it an effective remedy for various conditions. Because of its antiseptic properties, it was used by early physicians as a remedy for diarrhea with discharge, typhus fever, scarlatina maligna, and putrid sore throat. Both the roots and leaves of wild indigo are proven to be very useful in the field of medicine because of its properties such as chloroform, ether, and glycerin; However the flower and branches of the plants may serve as good materials in. Wild indigos have a bitter, semi-acidic, and sub stringent taste; that when consumed, has a good effect in the glands of one’s gastrointestinal tract.

Baptisia is also believed to have an effect in curing conditions such as ulcerations, mouth sores, bad breath, and loss of appetite, gastric pains, sore nipples, erysipelatous, scrofulous and syphilitic ulcer. According to studies, there are certain properties of baptisia that can control discharge and soothes irritation and pain. Baptisia is advised to be given in a small dosage only; this is to avoid vomiting, diarrhea, other intestinal problems, and spasms. Also, the intake of wild indigo should be monitored; Wild indigos are risky if taken by mouth and skin for long term medication with high dosages, for it might cause irritations and allergies to the patient. Wild indigo is proven to cure soreness and has a lot of health benefits, but it is still under further research if it has the capability to treat Gynecomastia.

In recent developments, a company in the United States has discovered a drug that can reduce the size of one’s breasts. On a statement, they said that the cream / drug are composed of several compound with an extract from wild indigo seeds. The product is believed to provide an immediate and effective response in elimination fat cells on specific areas where the cream is applied. The company claimed that the wild Indigo has fat eliminating properties and can boost blood flow, helping men improve their performance. Researchers believed that further examination on the Baptisia plant can help the healthcare industry grow more and utilize the resources abundant in their territory.