Prostrate Sandmat is the common name for Euphorbia prostrata. This plant is native to subtropical America, but has been introduced to many parts of the world. It grows on the side of the road as a weed. It’s an herb that produces purple-tinted 20-centimeter stems. Euphorbia serpens and Euphorbia maculata are similar to this plant except for the leaves and stems which are a bit hairy. You will not see any petals in its flowers.
Euphorbia is said to cure some breathing disorders like bronchitis and asthma. When you have a flu, you may take this medicinal herb to relieve it. It’s also used for hay fever, throat spasms, chest congestion, and some tumors. In India, this herb is used for treating diarrhea, worms, and some digestive problems.
The herb is also widely used in African traditional medicine. It is used to treat threatened abortion, insect bites, headaches, fungal infection, painful and irregular menstruation, as well as female sterility.
There was also a study conducted about this herb being effective in treating hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoidal disease is a common problem that can be painful and inconvenient. There are swollen veins in the anus when one has hemorrhoids. In the study, patients were asked to take Euphorbia tablets and placebo. Depending on the age and the condition of the patients, they were given different doses or Euphorbia. The study was successful and they found out that the herb can indeed cure Euphorbia. It helped alleviate the patient’s pain and reduced inflammation of the vascular walls. So, can this herb also cure gynecomastia?
Although this herb is helpful for most patients who are sick, it cannot cure someone with man boobs. Euphorbia is used mainly for bleeding problems, inflammation, and breathing disorders.
Gynecomastia is a disorder in the endocrine system where the size of the breasts increases. In most cases, the condition is associated with pubertal changes especially in young boys. Without treatment, man boobs disappear within two years.
Man boobs isn’t alarming, but there may be cases when it’s caused by a cyst, breast cancer, hamartoma, metastasis, mastitis, or lipoma. The physician would ask the patient to undergo certain blood tests and mammograms to determine the cause of the man boobs. Depending on the results of the exams, you may be asked to undergo certain procedures like a CT scan, Ultrasound, X-rays, Tissue biopsy.
When it is found out that there is an underlying condition causing man boobs, treatment becomes necessary. Some medications are available. They include Aromatase inhibitors, Danazol, Tamoxifen, or Testosterone treatment. Surgeries like Liposuction and Excision may also be advised depending on the condition of the patient.
Blood tests, other lab exams, regular check-ups, and medications can be very costly. They can choose to either undergo all the treatment available for the condition, or use home remedies. There are also some people suffering from man boobs who resort to herbal treatments. The medicinal herbs can be taken either in tablet or capsule form. Some are available in powdered juices. They include turmeric, yellow vine, cordyceps, green tea, and grape seed. Euphorbia isn’t one of them.
While some herbs will help you cure man boobs, it is still best to take extra precaution. Read about the herbal medicine you plan to take. Also, it is always better to talk to your doctor before taking medications or herbal remedies. There could be an underlying condition causing your gynecomastia and taking medications will have side effects.