Men Ask: Can Soy Product Cause your Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a condition that most men find very unpleasant and know that such condition might be a waning sign that something far worse is already brewing inside a man’s body – gynecomastia is bad news anywhere one looks at it. The good news is that the condition is not cancerous but the disease that has caused it might be fatal. Diet, body fitness, or health condition could be responsible for the occurrence of such condition and with this regard, some men ask – can soy product cause your gynecomastia?

Men and Soy Products

Soy products are rich in protein and most bodybuilders need protein to help them build muscle mass. Although there are other sources of protein, soy is probably one of the best protein sources readily available anytime – be it in a form of drinks or food to eat. Some bodybuilders just can’t get enough of their soy products but unfortunately, too much of anything is actually bad even if to say that the product is really good and truly beneficial.

There is no concrete proof that soy is the cause of gynecomastia in some men because so many other factors can contribute to the occurrence of the said condition in men. Perhaps it is because soy has always been linked to estrogen and gynecomastia is likely to occur when the estrogens in men outweighs their androgens causing an imbalance in their hormonal environment.

For years, scientist have studied the connection of consuming soy products and suspected conditions that were caused by the soy products and gynecomastia is one of them. In the end, the study has not been able to give clear cut answer to the question – can soy product cause your gynecomastia? Why? Because only a handful of results have able to establish that soy milk and tofu (not all soy products) as potential reasons that made man boobs appear.

There is not enough evidence to link all soy products as the culprit for having man boobs, perhaps one or two of the soy products might have caused it but it is still inconclusive since not all who consumed tofu or soy drink developed the condition. There might be other things that triggered the occurrence of gynecomastia in some men and it is wrong to put the blame entirely on soy products.

One study showed that when a 60-year old man stopped drinking his soy milk, the elevated estrogen levels significantly decreased together with his man boobs. This only proved that limiting soy milk (or tofu) consumption can help normalize the condition.

Can soy product cause your gynecomastia? The answer is maybe, particularly soy milk and tofu but not all soy products can cause the condition. If the gynecomastia was triggered by over consumption of soy milk or tofu then reducing or totally eliminating the said soy products might stop your problem. Understand that over consumption of the said soy products might not be the only reason for the occurrence of gynecomastia. There are also genetic issues, diet, fitness, disease, or other reasons that might be the culprit for the man boobs and it is always better to consult your physician to avoid bigger problems.