Foods that Reduce and Eliminate Chest Fat

Contrary to popular belief, man boobs or moobs will not be solved by wearing baggy shirts. Wearing shirts with big and bright prints do take the attention away from your breasts but the problem will not go away. That is, if you don’t put some effort on getting rid of your man boobs.

Work here means changing things you’ve been too comfortable with that you failed to notice are the reasons why you developed bigger breasts. Aside from possibly having hormonal problems, the lack of exercise and eating too much are the main reasons for enlarged breasts in men.

Only a few of you may be aware that you can eat your way to a leaner body and, of course, less flesh in your breast. There are a number of foods that reduce and eliminate chest fat. These kinds of foods have properties that enable them to lower the estrogen levels in the body. You see, the body needs testosterone to develop more like a ‘man’. Estrogen, considered the female hormone, is also present in the male body and may cause breast enlargement if they grow too much and overtakes the amount of testosterone. This hormonal imbalance that causes male breasts to grow is called gynocemastia.

Foods that reduce and eliminate chest fat are those that are rich in testosterone and also aids in lowering estrogen. Magnesium and zinc are important minerals in the production of testosterone. Some foods rich in both minerals are oysters, scallops, crabs and other shellfish. Vegetables like beets, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, mustard greens, spinach, Swiss chard and watercress also help in increasing testosterone production in the body.

Even though it suffers from a bad rap, cholesterol is also useful in producing testosterone. However, this does not mean you can gorge on cholesterol-rich foods. What you need to include in your diet are foods with the so-called ‘good’ cholesterol and essential fatty acids. Orange juice, avocado, virgin coconut oil, salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel are great sources of good cholesterol. You can still eat lean pork, beef and chicken meat to get some cholesterol and protein, which is also essential in producing testosterone. But do so moderately so you can avoid doing any harm to your heart and to your health, in general.

Now that you’re familiar with some testosterone-boosting foods, you might also want to know how to reduce estrogen through eating. Add fiber-rich food, berries, grapes, figs, corn, citrus, pineapple, squash, melons and pears are just a few of the food that you can eat which will help lower your body’s estrogen level. Also, look for foods grown organically so you’re sure that there are no sprayed chemicals and injected hormones in them.

On the other side of the spectrum are the foods that should be avoided if you wish to lose the excess tissues or fat in your breast. A few of them are apple, dates, flax seeds and eggs.

Partner these foods that reduce and eliminate chest fat with regular fat-busting exercises and you’ll be on your way to a healthier, more confident, and boob-less you.